1 st Translational Conference of the HKJC Equine Welfare Research Foundation
This exciting new conference will focus on the role of science in finding solutions to issues that threaten the safety and welfare of Thoroughbred racehorses and will create a unique opportunity for researchers to share new knowledge whilst building global collaborative relationships with the racing industry. It will be held from 15 to 17 December 2025 in HK China.
Topics will include:
- How to gauge and improve the wellbeing of racehorses.
- Reducing the impact of musculoskeletal injuries/disease, cardiorespiratory and gastric diseases.
- Improving the care of racehorses in retirement.
Novel interactive sessions will:
- Foster exchange between researchers and key racing officials from around the world to promote a shared understanding of critical issues and clarify perceived needs.
- Share the latest research findings from international scientists.
- Enable participants to build fresh global alliances in a Sandpit event, providing a dynamic environment to encourage creative thinking and problem-solving, allowing the development of innovative research proposals in real time. Topics will address two issues relevant to racing (one musculoskeletal topic and one associated with Exercise Associated Sudden Death). The proposal from each topic area judged to have the best application will be awarded a grant to develop their proposal.
- Support and encourage Early Career Researchers in the field by providing opportunities to engage directly with a wide range of different stakeholders in racing, and to receive mentorship from experienced research colleagues.
- Give relevant research funding bodies an opportunity to share their experience and advice with potential applicants.
The conference will accept abstracts for oral and poster presentations on topics that relate to the safety, health and welfare of the Thoroughbred racehorse during and after their racing careers. The portal for submission will open in April and close on 31st July 2025. A Delphi study to identify and prioritise research needs will be initiated before the conference and continued throughout its duration.
We are pleased to announce that financial bursaries will be available to support some attendees. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and contribute to the future of racehorse care.
The conference will be set against the backdrop of the Hong Kong International Races, established as one of the most exciting days in the global racing calendar. Delegates will have the opportunity to attend the races the day before the conference commences.
Further details will be released on a dedicated conference website, opening in early April 2025
Enquiries: grants@hkjcequinewelfare.org.hk