RegVet CE 2023: BEST PRACTICES – The Racing Regulatory Veterinarian
RegVet CE is an educational conference for regulatory and official racetrack veterinarians, presented by the Racing Medication and Testing Consortium (RMTC). Through lectures, labs, and interactive, hands-on sessions the conference provides training directly related to the duties and responsibilities of the racing regulatory veterinarian in protecting the health and welfare of racehorses and supporting the integrity of competition.
LIVE, In-Person Event at Gulfstream Park:
The Racing Medication and Testing Consortium’s annual in-person veterinary continuing education event will return March 13 – 14, 2023 at Gulfstream Park in Hallendale Beach, FL. This event will offer 16 hours of continuing education credit (approval pending by AAVSB RACE program).
In addition…2023 LIVE Webinar Series:
The RegVet CE 2023 program continues with the LIVE Webinar Series, provided by University of Kentucky Gluck Equine Research Center, beginning Tuesday, April 4, through Tuesday, July 25, 2023. This course offers nine biweekly live webinars that will present new topics related to this year’s theme- BEST PRACTICES: The Racing Regulatory Veterinarian. The LIVE Webinar Series provides up to an additional 18 hours of CE credit (approval pending by AAVSB RACE program).
…and more! RegVet CE 2023 On-Demand:
The entire LIVE Webinar Series will be recorded and uploaded to the RegVet CE 2023: On-Demand website, provided by American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP). All On-Demand courses will be posted 1-2 weeks following each live webinar date. Access to RegVet CE 2023: On-Demand is included with the registration fee for the LIVE Webinar Series.
More information can be found here: RMTCNET Conference 2023