Articles of Association. (revised Dec 2024)


The organisation shall be called the International Group of Specialist Regulatory Veterinarians (IGSRV) (the “Association”).



The aims of the Association shall be:

  1. to act as a leading international association of regulatory veterinarians; 
  2. to advise authorities controlling horse and greyhound racing, equine sports and related regional and international federations on veterinary matters relating, but not restricted to:
    1. the health and welfare of horses and greyhounds;  
    2. the regulation and control of the use of medications and prohibited substances in competing horses and greyhounds; and
    3. the control of disease in horses and greyhounds.
  3. to act in collaboration with the Association of Official Racing Chemists (AORC) to promote and achieve more effective regulation and control of the use of medications and prohibited substances in horses and greyhounds;
  4. to organise, in association with the AORC, meetings of the International Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians (ICRAV)
  5. to promote veterinary science so far as it is concerned with the requirements of the rules and regulations, of various controlling authorities; 
  6. to promote and support research and gain knowledge on horse and greyhound health, welfare, disease, pharmacology and drug metabolism;
  7. to collate and disseminate news, updates and other reports to members and racing authorities (and related organisations);
  8. to prepare and deliver education and awareness programs for regulatory veterinarians and racing administrators; and
  9. to promote international goodwill and collaboration.


 Membership of the Association offers individuals the opportunity to support and be supported by like-minded people committed to safeguarding and improving horse and greyhound health, welfare and sports integrity. 

 The objectives of the Association is to provide resources and leadership to its members for the benefit of horses, greyhounds and the racing and equestrian industry. Members must support these objectives and are expected to actively and regularly contribute to IGSRV discussions and decisions, and assist members by sharing their knowledge, experience and opinion.

 Membership applications are approved by the Association’s Executive Committee (the “Executive Committee”). Applications may be made through the Association website. The Executive Committee reserves the right to reject an application and or revoke a membership at any time.

Section 1. 

Membership of the Association is limited to the following categories:

  1.  Full Members:
    1. veterinarians nominated by international, national or regional authorities controlling horse and/or greyhound racing or equestrian sports; and
    2. veterinarians nominated by such authorities subject to approval by the Executive Committee; and
    3. shall be subject to review annually.
  2. Associate Members: scientists or specialists in relevant fields assessed by the Executive Committee as being able to contribute to the Association. Associate Members shall be subject to annual review by the Executive Committee who will take into consideration each member’s contribution and conduct. Associate Member subscription fees may be waived at the discretion of the Executive Committee, usually subject to the contributions made.
  3. Member Emeritus: a Full Member who has retired from employment and who has been a paid-up Full Member for a total of 10 years, and/or has served on the Executive Committee, is eligible for membership as “Member Emeritus” exempt from annual subscription fees, without voting rights. 

 Full and Associate Members are expected to actively support the work of the Association – such contribution will be taken into account in the annual review.

Section 2.

 Each Full Member shall be entitled to vote at General, Special and Extraordinary Meetings, or by e mail, at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 

 Section 3.

 With the approval of the Executive Committee, Members Emeritus may retain voting rights if they continue to pay subscription fees. Such approval shall be reviewed annually.



 A subscription fee shall be paid by Full Members and Associate Members to cover the costs of running the Association, including administrative, and project and program costs. 

 The subscription period, amount and due date shall be determined by a vote of members at the General Meeting. 

 Members that have not paid their subscriptions will have their voting privileges suspended and may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, have their membership rights revoked. 


The Officers of the IGSRV shall be the:

  1. Chairman;
  2. Vice-Chairman;
  3. Secretary and Treasurer.


Officers shall be elected for a term of four years – with a possibility of re-election for an additional term – by a majority vote of eligible members at a General Meeting of the IGSRV. 

 Candidates shall be nominated and seconded from the floor of the General Meeting. 


  1. The duties of the Chairman shall be:
    1. to chair General, Special and Extraordinary Meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee;
    2. to coordinate and supervise the Association’s activities;
    3. to act as a member of the Association’s Executive Committee; and
    4. to act as a representative of the Association on the Management Committee and where practicable, the Organising Committee, of the ICRAV.
  2. The duties of the Vice-Chairman shall be:
    1. to vice-chair General, Special and Extraordinary Meetings of the IGSRV and the Executive Committee in the absence of the Chairman; and
    2. to act as a member of the Executive Committee.
  3. The duties of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be:
    1. to act as a member and serve as secretary and treasurer of the Executive Committee.
    2. to act as custodian of the Associations records, including membership records;
    3. to keep the minutes of all General and Special Meetings;
    4. to manage the Associations correspondence and notify members of meetings and relevant events;
    5. to review and report applications for membership at General Meetings;
    6. to collect Member subscriptions as these fall due;
    7. to keep proper records of the Associations financial transactions;
    8. to give a financial report at the General Meeting; and
    9. to act as a member of the Executive Committee.


The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Association as required between General Meetings.


 The Executive Committee shall comprise: 

  1.  the Officers of the Association; and
  2. Regional Representatives who should, whenever possible, be nominated by Members of that region.

The Executive Committee is empowered to appoint an eligible member to its number should a vacancy occur between General Meetings. Such appointments shall be valid until the next General Meeting.

The Executive Committee may, subject to the availability of sponsorship, appoint a part-time Executive Officer (EO) or any other relevant officer to coordinate and assist in administrative matters and the delivery of related programs and projects. 

Section 1. Elections of Regional Representatives

 Candidates shall be nominated and seconded from the floor of the General Meeting. They shall be elected for a term of four years – with a possibility of reelection for an additional term.

 The Regions:

  1.  Europe;
  2. South America;
  3. North America;
  4. The Middle East
  5. Africa;
  6. Asia; and
  7. Australasia.

Section 2. Duties of the Regional Representatives

The duties of the Regional Representatives shall be:

  1. to act as a member of the Executive Committee;
  2. to review applications for membership their nominated region;
  3. to provide oversight and strategic direction on all aspects of educational programming activities;
  4. to monitor and provide regional disease information on a regular basis and to evaluate regional infectious disease issues affecting the horse and greyhound population and recommend courses of action to the Executive Committee;
  5. to proactively identify and address regional issues of importance to horse and greyhound racing regulatory veterinarians and racing authorities and recommend courses of action to the Execute Committee;
  6. to proactively identify and address issues of importance to performance horse veterinarians and horse show entities; and
  7. to monitor regional welfare issues and matters of public policy in both the horse and greyhound racing industry and veterinary profession recommend courses of action to the Executive Committee.


The General Meeting shall nominate members to act as veterinary representatives on:

  1. the Executive Committee of the ICRAV;
  2. the ICRAV Organising Committees; and
  3. the Advisory Council on Equine Prohibited Substances and Practices of the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA).
  4. the Horse Welfare Committee of the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA).


Annual General Meetings (AGM) shall be held. 

 The Executive Committee will meet quarterly or as often as necessary. 

 The Officers of the Association will meet monthly or as often as necessary.

 Special Meetings may be convened by the Chairman as required, with a report provided at the following General Meeting. 

 Members may call for an Extraordinary Meeting with the written support of 75% of the Full Membership.


If in the judgement of the Executive Committee, matters arise that should be put to a prompt vote of the Full Members, and it is considered impractical to call a Special Meeting, the Executive Committee may call for a Mail Vote – which includes electronic mail or by other digital means.

The matter presented via Mail Vote shall be resolved by the majority of votes received.

Any action taken in pursuance of a majority mail vote in each such case shall be binding upon the Association in the same manner as for any action taken at a duly called meeting.


A report of the General Meeting shall be published as an addendum to the Proceedings of the ICRAV in accordance with the guidelines of the Conference or as a stand-alone document as agreed by the Executive.

Minutes of Meetings shall be circulated to membership and confirmed at the next General Meeting.


Amendments to these Guidelines shall be made only by a majority vote of eligible members at a General Meeting.


Upon cessation and dissolution of the Association, and after paying all debts and obligations, the remaining assets of the Group shall be distributed as determined by the Executive Committee to a non-profit fund or foundation organised for scientific purposes whose aims are to promote the health and welfare of the horse.