Fellowship Program – Musculoskeletal Pathology of Racehorses at UC Davis
The California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System (CAHFS), School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis is offering a 2- or 3- year fellowship program focused on the musculoskeletal pathology of racehorses at its San Bernardino laboratory. The program is designed to provide in- depth training in pathology of the musculoskeletal system of racehorses, which could reduce the incidence and severity of musculoskeletal injuries in racehorses and lead to the identification and implementation of new prevention strategies. An additional training focus will be on the development of a better understanding of the etiology of non-musculoskeletal causes of death of racehorses (sudden death, colitis, pneumonias, etc.).
The training involves extensive diagnostic casework on all horses submitted to CAHFS San Bernardino with a history of musculoskeletal injury or medical conditions, as part of the California Horse Racing Board’s equine postmortem program. Fellows will gain experience through necropsies, gross and microscopic examination of tissues and interpretation of results from various laboratory disciplines while working up the cases. In addition, enhanced training will be provided at the J.D. Wheat Veterinary Orthopedic Research Laboratory (VORL) in Davis, where the fellow will learn and work with diagnostic imaging, biomechanical tests, undecalcified tissue processing, histomorphometry and epidemiology methods. Casework is supplemented by weekly case and biopsy conferences, gross and histology rounds and seminars. The fellow is expected to develop a research project based on casework from the program. Annual presentation at a national equine meeting is encouraged. The fellow will also gain knowledge of the racing industry by visiting tracks and interacting with trainers, owners, private and regulatory veterinarians.
Requirements include: DVM or equivalent degree with a demonstrated interest in equine medicine, surgery and/or musculoskeletal pathology. Excellent command of English is required; the successful candidate must be able to effectively communicate both orally and in writing with colleagues and clients. Current salary is $42,216. Continuation in the program is contingent upon mutual satisfaction on the part of both the fellow and the CAHFS.
Applicants must submit by February 15, 2018 (1) a curriculum vitae, (2) a letter of intent, (3) transcripts from veterinary school(s), and (4) three letters of recommendation to: Sharon Hein, CAHFS Administration, P.O. Box 1770, University of California, Davis, CA 95617, (530) 752- 8709, e-mail: slhein@ucdavis.edu. Program inquiries can be directed to Dr. Francisco Uzal at: fauzal@ucdavis.edu . The fellowship start date is negotiable.
The University of California is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.