Tender opportunity: Jump racing risk model – technical support
As part of the remit to lead on equine health and welfare, the BHA undertook a welfare review of the Cheltenham Festival. This review made seventeen recommendations aimed at reducing the probability of horses injuring themselves when participating in British Jump racing. Some of these recommendations were specific to the Cheltenham Festival, but many were aimed at the wider sport. One such recommendation related to the development of a Jump racing risk model:
The industry must support a major research project to develop a predictive model for identifying risk factors for all Jump racing, inclusive of non-course factors, such as horse history and performance, rider and training factors. Any risks arising from this significant work must be addressed and mitigated appropriately.
The sport is now developing such a model that will be able to inform policy in such a way as to reduce the risks associated with Jump racing. The BHA wishes to appoint an external consultant to assist with the development of a regression model aimed at quantifying the equine welfare risk factors in British Jump racing. The role of the consultant will be advisory; the modelling will be carried out by the BHA project team, who are likely to have ad hoc questions around some of the technicalities of the process.
The Invitation to Tender can be accessed HERE
The full 2018 Cheltenham Review can be accessed HERE