The Racing Medication and Testing Consortium (RMTC) is calling for research proposals for 2023
TO: Institutions, Laboratories and Professionals in Equine Research
FROM: Michael Hardy, DVM, Executive Director, Racing Medication and Testing Consortium
DATE: March 1, 2023
RE: 2023 Call for Research Proposals
The Racing Medication and Testing Consortium (RMTC) is a 501(c) 3 organization comprised of 23 industry stakeholder organizations with a shared commitment to engage in research, education, and advocacy for science-based initiatives that promote the health and safety of the racehorse and the integrity of competition. The RMTC is soliciting proposals from qualified researchers focusing tactical research investigations on the topics listed below:
- Development of improved detection methods for erythropoiesis, stimulating agents, or modifiers of hemoglobin.
- Development of improved detection methods for anabolic steroids, SARMs, or other similar agents.
- Development of methodologies to detect gene doping or protein expression.
- Use of advanced software to improve non-targeted screening of prohibited substances.
- Determine the overall state of what control methods are in place to identify horses that have received prohibited peptides and protein-based therapeutics, and the development of improved detection methods.
- Development of approaches to address the exogenous administration of endogenous substances.
- Development of improved detection methods, assess inter-laboratory variability, and review collection protocols as it relates to abuse of alkalinizing agents. Update Best Practices document, including harmonization of measurement uncertainty practices.
- Any other proposals that demonstrate research pursuits relevant to horseracing’s anti-doping program and the promotion of enhanced safety for racehorses.
Project Funding
Funding will be made available as follows: 25% upon RMTC Board approval of proposal; 50% upon completion of the proposed work; 25% when RMTC verifies that a manuscript has been accepted for publication in a peer reviewed journal or submission of a final report, including data, explaining why the research did not yield publishable results. The RMTC does not pay institutional overhead.
Submitted documents will be reviewed and scored by the chemists and laboratory director members of the RMTC Scientific Advisory Committee. Said Committee members have executed non-disclosure agreements; proprietary information will remain confidential pending the completion of the work and the sharing of analytical methodology with other RMTC-accredited laboratories as per the funding agreement.
For each submission, respondents must declare any conflicts with members of the RMTC Scientific Advisory Committee or RMTC Board of Directors. Members of the RMTC Scientific Advisory Committee will recuse themselves from review of any proposals in which they are listed as a participant or any directly competing proposals.
Proposals determined to be responsive to this request by the RMTC Tactical Research Committee will be forwarded to the RMTC Scientific Advisory Committee for review and ranking. Ranked proposals will be considered for funding by the RMTC Board of Directors.
RMTC Requirements
The RMTC retains the right to share any resulting method validation including the standard operating procedure with RMTC-accredited or Association of Racing Chemists laboratories. Additionally, the RMTC will have the right to use any resulting study data as the RMTC deems appropriate.
Upon request, the laboratory will retain the right to publish the study results and validated method for 120 days after completion of the study and submission of the final draft report. At the discretion of the RMTC Executive Director, the RMTC may grant one 90-day extension upon a written request from the principal investigator explaining the justification for such an extension.
During the time between completion of the study and final publication, the RMTC retains the right to use the data in a confidential manner. Summary graphical information of the data may also be used by RMTC during this time. If the right of publication period expires without the laboratory having submitted a manuscript for publication, the RMTC shall have the right to publish or share the data as the RMTC deems appropriate.
Important Dates
Application Deadline: 6 p.m. EST July 1, 2023
Peer Review process of all applicants complete: August 15, 2023
Notification of award(s): September 1, 2023
Submit proposals to: doakes@rmtcnet.com